Yoga for flexibility :15 yoga poses that change your body.

Yoga for flexibility Fifteen yoga poses that can change your
body practicing. Yoga regularly is known
to improve your physical, mental, flexibility, and spiritual health. So why not start doing
it. Now to achieve not only a great physique.
But also a clear mind gets your sportswear on folks.

yoga  for flexibility 1

Because we're about to do some of the best yoga
poses. To transform your body for the better.

yoga  for flexibility 15 poses 
Pose No;
1.Downward Facing Dog

We'll begin our yoga sesh with a
downward-facing dog pose. So get on all
fours keeping your wrists below your

shoulders and your knees under your hips.
Then tuck your toes under press your
hands into the floor and straighten. your
legs to bring your bum up towards the

ceiling. We're gonna hold this pose for 30 seconds. The downward-facing dog is one of the main poses in most types of yoga. it
works stretches and strengthens your entire body. If it's too hard for you you can

bend your knees a little bit 10 more
yoga  for flexibility 15 poses 
Pose NO; 2
Nothing can pump up the effectiveness of
a workout. like the plank cap. So let's do it
start by getting into a push-up position.

Now place your forearms on the ground. So that your elbows are right below your
shoulders. Make sure that your body forms
a straight line from head to toe. And
that's it your planking will put 30

seconds on the clock go. The plank is
actually one of the rare exercises. That
not only strengthen your core. But also
work your entire body.
It can be pretty difficult to hold. But controlling your
breathing is a nice little trick to make
this exercise. A little easier five four
three two one well done.

yoga  for flexibility 15 poses 
Pose No;3
Upward Plank

While we're still planking let's try.
Another type this one's called an upward
play sit on the ground with your legs.
Straight in front of you and your hands

behind you. Then lift your hips while
keeping your toes press to the floor all
Great your thirty seconds start now.
The upward blank post stretches you.
The upper body improves your balance and
strengthens your arms, legs, glutes and

core. Just like with the regular play
control your breathing to make it easier.
yoga  for flexibility 15 poses 
Pose No;4 
The Tree 
Tree pose stands tall with your feet
together slowly. lift your right knee up
grab it. And place your right foot on the

the inner thigh of your left leg close to
your groin. Now lift your arms up to the
sky with your palms together. let's begin
with your right leg raised for 30 seconds.

If you're completely new to the world of
yoga practice. The tree pose is
definitely a great starting point.It
improves your balance and teaches you.
How to breathe correctly you're doing

great keep it up and amazing. Now let's
do the same thing with your left knee
Tripos also strengthens and tones. The
calves' ankles and inner thighs. So doing

this exercise regularly will leave you
with some very nice looking legs. As an

added bonus it also does a lot for you.
yoga  for flexibility 15 poses 
Pose NO;5
Warrior 1
Take a really wide stance and rotate your hips.
So that your right leg is in front of
you and your left leg is behind you.Bend
your right knee so that your shin forms.
A straight vertical line rolls your shoulders back lift your chest.

together let's do 30 seconds on the
right foot.
Warrior one stance is one of the main
poses in many yoga practices. It's

essential for improving the strength of
the core. And the entire lower body while
you're doing it.
Be sure to breathe calmly and now change it up to your left leg.

Among other things warrior one also
gives a good stretch. To your chest lungs,
shoulders hips thighs and the list goes
Try not to tip your pelvis forward as it.
Can put too much pressure on your lower

back. we're almost done and that's it for
warrior one. Now get ready for warrior
stance to pose number six warrior two.
like warrior 1 stand with your feet.
About one leg-length apart. But don't

square your hips this time turn your
right foot out. And bend that knee at a
45-degree angle. Now stretch your arms
out to the sides. And gaze over with your right hand.
let's do half a minute on the right side.
yoga  for flexibility 15 poses 
Pose No;6
Warrior 2
Stretches your hips and inner thighs. while improving your balance tenfold. if you have any kind of neck problems don't turn your head to look over your hand. Though just 
look straight ahead.
Okay now let's do the left side warrior

two can also help improve digestion. And
relieve backaches not to mention. It
significantly increases your stamina
making you stronger. Both physically and

mentally just a couple more seconds and
yoga  for flexibility 15 poses 
 Pose N0;7
The Extended Side Angle
Only instead of stretching your arms out
to the sides. Bend your body to place

your right hand on the floor. Next to
your right foot then stretch your left
hand up towards. The ceiling keeping a
straight line from the right hand to the

left. As always let's begin with the
right side. This particular pose is designed to target the sides of the torso.
And strengthen the legs hips hamstrings
calves shoulders chest and spy.

So basically your whole body not bad
right. And now time to switch to your left side.
The extended side angle pose also opens
up the lungs improves digestion. And
helps relieve stress, oh and it can

sharpen your minds. To try to focus on
exactly what each part of your body is
doing during the post doing. This
regularly will make all of your problems

with concentration disappear. And that's
it for this pose take a deep breath.

Pose No;8
Seated Forward Bend
let's get back down on the floor shall.
we sit down with your legs pulled.

Together straight out in front of you.
Now start to lean forward from your waist
reaching for your toes. Once you've
reached your limit.As far as stretching

goes hold it for the next 30 Seconds.
You can probably feel it right about now.
But this pose is awesome for stretching.

your lower and upper back as well as.
your hamstrings it opens up the entire
body. Teaches you to 
breathe when we're in an uncomfortable position helps. With headaches and anxiety and reduces fatigue. Just make sure to keep your back straight. And do the pose correctly hold.
It a little more and nailed it.

Pose No; 9
The bridge is yet another essential pose
for beginners. It manages to stretch both
the front and the back of the body. It
also improves blood circulation and

digestion helps to relieve stress. And
opens the lungs and thyroid. Not that
many exercises can do that right.
Hold it and do keep up the energy. The
next exercise is right around the corner.

Pose NO;10 
Child's Pose 

Child's Pose by sitting on your knees on
the mat. Then lower your head to the
floor with your hands reaching forward.
Or rested at your sides now just relax

for the next thirty seconds. Child's Pose
is the best resting pose for any stress
and tension's also good to do
it in between difficult exercises to

calm down your body. And mind plus it
improves your digestion relieves back
and neck pain and stretches your hips
thighs and ankles.

 Pose No; 11 
cobra pose

To get into cobra pose start from the downward-facing dog. After
that come forward into a plank bend your
elbows. And slowly lower your hips. Down

to the floor roll your shoulders back.
And gently lift your upper body elegant

and easy. We're ready to hold it for the
next 30 seconds. 
This pose strengthens your back and
opens up your chest and shoulders.It

also decreases stiffness in the lower
back and does it carefully. If you have any
back injuries in that case it's actually

better to stay away from this pose until
you get better.

Pose No;12
Bow Pose

This one's not too hard depending on your flexibility just lie.
On your stomach on the ground or mat.
Bend your knees lift your thighs up off.

The floor reaches back and grabs your
ankles. Hold it there for half a minute.
Bow Pose is a miracle for stretching.
 The whole front and back of your body. 

While additionally improving your posture. And spinal flexibility. However, if you have
frequent migraines or insomnia. It's
better to avoid this pose.
The same goes for those diagnosed with high or low.
Blood pressure just replaces this one.
With a different yoga pose and wonderful

three more exercises to go.

Pose No;13 
Boat Pose

Start by sitting on the ground bend your
knees. lean back and lift your feet until.
Your shins are parallel to the floor. If
you feel comfortable with this position.

Extend your arms forward straighten your
legs. So that your body makes a v-shape.

There you go you're now a boat be one
for the next 30 seconds. Boat pose is a
huge stress reliever. 
It also improves digestion stimulates the kidney's thyroid.
And intestines and strengthen to the
thighs and lower back. If you're a lady
and it's that time of the month. You are

better off skipping on this pose since.
It won't be very beneficial for you.

During the period it's also not
advisable to do it regularly. If you suffer from asthma or diarrhea three
more seconds. And stop you're doing great
keep it up.

Pose No;14
Fish Pose 

Start off by lying on your back keeping. Your feet on the floor and your knees.
Bent then lift your upper body. While sliding your hands under yours. Butt

keep your forearms and elbows close to
the sides of your body. And to lift your
upper back off the floor your thirty Seconds begin right now.
This pose strengthens your hamstrings
and lowers back. It also opens up your

hips and ribcage again.If you have migraines or insomnia. This pose definitely shouldn't be part of your
yoga training too during menstruation.
However, it can help ease the.

Pose No;15 

Start by lying on your back and bringing.
Both knees up to your chest press on
your lower abdomen by holding your knees.
Tight in your arms then raise your head
neck and chest. And bring them close to
your knees hug yourself like this for

the next thirty seconds. This pose helps
improve your digestion and release toxic

gas from your system yep. Hence the name
as for your muscles. It mostly stretches
your lower back and strengthens a spy

come on almost there and Congrats.
You've completed the entire workout give
yourself. A nice pat on the back for this
one. And don't forget to do this training

session. At least two to three times a
a week after just a couple of weeks of

doing. These body-transforming yoga poses.
You won't even recognize yourself and
remember. where there's a sound body.

There must be a sound mind so which one
of these yoga poses. Thanks for reading this article. And if you like this article please share it.

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