(Best) weight loss calorie calculator free for long time .

weight loss calorie calculator.what's up guys it's your boy tariq.And if you don't know who I am. I'm an online weight loss coach who is dedicated to calling out all of us in the fitness industry. 
 weight loss calorie calculator
 weight loss calorie calculator

And providing you guys with accurate fitness nutrition and weight loss information. So today what are we doing. 

I'm teaching you exactly how to calculate your calories for your weight loss school.And this is specific to you so.If you follow along we're gonna take a look at your age height weight sex and specific goal. 

And that's how we're gonna get that number that is specific to you. So if you plan to follow along. Grab a pen and paper or open a new notes page on your phone. 
And let's get started now 

step one is to calculate your BMR or your basal metabolic rate. so I'm gonna do so by going to a website I'll provide the link at on the picture.
weight loss calorie calculator
weight loss calorie calculator

And I'll also put the website up on screen you can watch up.And doing it but your BMR is essentially.

How many calories your body burns when you're in a coma.

 like doing the bare minimum for survival.So we are not considering any exercise at all not even brushing your teeth. Not even blinking your eyes that's what your basal metabolic rate is so.

 we're gonna get that number using this website and I know in the URL it says BMI. But we're not calculating that we don't use that here we don't know her BMI as Josh okay.

What is BMR?

 BMR is the number that you're looking for so for today. I'm going to use the example of Jane Doe.She is this mysterious woman.

 who is 30 years old 150 pounds five five.And a female so we're gonna plug that information into the website.
But I want you to plug in your specific information in order. To get your specific numbers so we type all that in. 

And we get that jane doe's BMR basal metabolic rate is 1472 calories. That means that's how many calories she burns per day.
 when she's in a coma when she's got nothing else going on in her life.
Weight loss calories calculator 


She just lay there now we're moving on to 
step two.

where we're actually calculating how many calories you burn in the day. This includes all of the things.like blinking brushing your teeth. 

All the activity that you could do.Throughout the day in addition to your BMR okay. That's called your tdee or your total daily energy expenditure.

 Now but you can also just follow along on screen because this parts really easy. so now what we're gonna do is we're to multiply your BMR. 

By an activity factor and this is using the Harris Benedict equation. And the key here is to be really honest with yourself. 
weight loss calorie calculator
weight loss calorie calculator

About how active you are most people are overestimating. How much activity and exercise. They're doing on a weekly basis.
 so I'm gonna give you the guidelines and kind of how.
 I decide what activity factor to multiply the BMR by as. you can see there are different categories all the way from like no activity to very very active.

 And so you're gonna pick the number that best suit you from my clients. Whose goal is weight loss.
 I usually multiply their BMR by an activity factor of 1.45 they're usually weight training four to five times per week.
 Amongst other physical activity that.

 I have them doing you can see that 1.45 is right in between lights. And moderately active.

 So you don't have to just use those numbers that are in each category.You can kind of go in between if you feel like you.

Don't fit right into one so we're gonna multiply jane doe's BMR of 1472 by one point four five.
And we are gonna get a tdee( total daily energy expenditure) for Jane. Doe that is two thousand one hundred and thirty four calories. 
So that is how many calories Jane Doe is burning per day all right. So the third and final step we're literally almost done.

 Guys is determining your specific calorie goal. And the way that weight loss occurs is by energy balance manipulation. 

So that means that we're looking at how many calories you're consuming through food calories in. 

And how many calories you're burning through exercise. And our BMR combined and that balance is gonna determine.

whether we gain weight lose weight or maintain our weight. So in order to lose weight we have to consume fewer calories.
Than we burn so calories in through food is lower than our calories.
Out which is our tdee so we calculated that for Jane Doe.
 It's two thousand one hundred thirty four.
So then the question becomes. How low should you go.

And the answer to that is with simple math okay. One pound of fat equals three thousand five hundred calories. 
So in order to determine how much fat you're going to lose per week.

 you will divide that number of calories that equals those pounds of fat. 
By seven so if you wanted to lose one pound of fat per week. You would divide 3,500 by seven.

 Which would give us 500 calories. So that means that we have to eat 500 fewer calories. Than we burn I always recommend the calorie deficit between 250 and 500 calories per day.

 Deficit meaning that's just how many fewer calories you're eating. Than you're burning that's gonna.
 Put you in a weight loss range of half a pound to one pound per week. I know that might sound discouraging.

 And it might sound slow.But it's not losing half a pound to a pound every single week is amazing progress.
 And the only reason people think it's slow is because we've been conditioned to think that.

We can get these fast results by all these quick fix fitness professionals.And reality TV shows like The Biggest Loser you.
 Watch me talking about that somewhere up here.

 I don't want to get too crazy ranting. But the recommended amount of weight loss per week is between one and two pounds. Anything beyond two pounds were.

 Potentially having negative health effects and we're getting into an unsustainable weight loss method.
 In order to achieve those results which usually leads to us quitting. 

And then gaining the weight back anyway. So remember to do this with your numbers.
 But for Jane Doe I'm gonna go ahead. And take her tdee of 2,134 and subtract 250 calories from that to get her half. 

A pound per week weight loss goal then. I'm gonna subtract 250 calories from that again.
which will give us our 500 calorie deficit or losing one pound per week.Weight loss goal and you don't need to be really strict.

 if your tracking calories you don't have to hit it like on the single calorie mark every single day.
I like using a range so in this case. If we're using the range of half a pound to one pound per week of weight loss.

 Jane does range would be 1884 to 1634. You can be a little bit flexible it's there's no reason.
That you should be obsessing of over hitting every single little number. We don't want to know there.
we don't want to make that serious everything's gonna be fine.

 And I have to mention. That there are lots of different methods for calculating your calories.
 This is just the one that I use specifically for myself and for my clients and the thing 

to keep in mind is all of these calculation
 methods are fairly inaccurate

 and I think I want to hear that because I just told you how to calculate it. 

And now I'm telling you that number is probably not even accurate.

But we use this number as a baseline as a starting point.
So when you start tracking your calories. 

And you're hitting your calories consistently. 
You can use the scale weights as a gauge to see.

How accurate this number was so. If you are eating at a 500 calorie deficit every day for two weeks.

And you don't see a change on the scale.
It's not that you are doing something wrong.

It's that that number may have not been perfectly accurate. So I recommend following your calorie range for at least two weeks.
 Assessing your results and if you haven't seen.

 The results that you should expect half a pound to a pound per week.
Then adjust your calories by 250 and repeat the process until. 

You start seeing the results that you are expecting. Once you start seeing those results. Do not drop your calories anymore unless. 
You stop seeing results for a significant amount of time. 

The scale weight naturally fluctuates. So we don't want to make changes too quickly.
 And it can be really hard to be objective. As just you being objective to decide.

 If you're not losing weight.When you should be seeing results.It can be really hard.
So there are kind of a long a different way. That this potentially could go wrong if you get frustrated.
 And you don't know what you're doing wrong something's not clicking.

 I can go ahead and be a resource for you. So reach out to me if you feel you need it.
Sometimes it can be really nice to have a coach to just do it for you.

 But I promise you can do it on your own.If you put your mind to it that's the end of the article. if you found this helpful. Please 

give me a thumbs up share it with someone about weight loss calories calculator . It might be beneficial with and subscribed  to my website. 

Thank you so much for reading about weight loss calorie calculator .I'll see you next time okay bye.

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